With no prior knowledge of the language, I began studying astrology in 2002, thanks to a group of close girlfriends. Taking beginning classes with astrologer and counselor, Andrea Conlon, I discovered that I had a mind and a passion for this ancient art. Andrea introduced me to evolutionary astrologer, Steven Forrest, at which point I felt I had found my life’s calling. And it answered big questions for me: Why was I born? What is the purpose of my life? Completing Steve’s apprenticeship program over the course of several years, in addition to the Foundation Course as part of the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK, I prepared to hang out my shingle as an evolutionary astrologer. But then life kept interrupting, and my time and attention were taken elsewhere.
Evolutionary astrology, as Steven Forrest describes, is a style of astrology that understands each person's birth chart as a map of the soul's evolution. It is presumed that our soul is on an evolving journey from one lifetime to the next. Our current incarnation offers an opportunity to learn, heal, and grow from the past. This western brand of astrology is psychological and spiritual, with a basis in physical science. Astrology is not a religion with requisite beliefs, but rather an ancient, sacred language offering tools to guide us to live happier, saner, more meaningful lives.
A birth chart is literally a picture of the sky on the date, place and time of our birth – but that alone is just astronomy. What’s happening in the sky at our birth symbolically depicts a very real connection between the cosmos and our individual life on earth. The chart represents a map or a blueprint for our soul’s intention in this lifetime - God’s “good idea” for this person. An astrological reading involves a complex, in-depth study of an individual’s unique birth chart to explore what the soul is seeking in this lifetime. It contains very precise descriptions of personality, intentions, motivations, gifts and challenges. Additionally, it offers information or clues about the individual’s family history, inheritance, genetic predisposition, and even karmic past. The birth chart can reflect and affirm what a person may intuitively know about themselves, as well as what he or she is here on earth to do or learn in this lifetime. Astrology can be a rich source of self-awareness and life purpose.
While a chart can be a mirror, it is not a crystal ball. The date, place, and time of one’s birth sets a particular wheel in motion with cycles of growth and change – times in which a person may face crossroads, questions or choices about their behavior and their life. One of the astonishing aspects of astrology is that when there is a significant, profound, or traumatic event in a life, there is often a cosmic signature of that happening in the chart. An astrological reading may guide the person during a challenging time, but it cannot make decisions for them, foresee their future, nor presume how conscious the person may be. Ideally, the astrologer will ask the right questions, clarify options, and suggest potential outcomes of those different paths. Astrology is not purely fated; each individual has free will to align with their chart and make the best possible choices for their life.
Currently, I see clients when they contact me for a reading. I provide natal readings (who I am and why was I born,) transit and secondary progression readings (what is the current astrological weather and how it may be reflected in my life,) and synastry readings (who am I with this other person and how do we relate to one another.) Please let me know if you would like to schedule a reading.
The Primal Triad
Many people don’t know that we are more than our astrological sun signs. In a birth chart, each planet is in its own sign and in its own place in the sky, creating a complex and unique arrangement for each individual. An introductory summary of one’s character may be described through archetypes of their sun, moon, and ascendant, the primal triad. Of course this is merely a jumping off point for an astrological reading, but it can be an accurate and fun way to engage someone in their chart.
My primal triad is this: sun in Leo (conjunct Uranus) * moon in Libra * Cancer ascendant.
In other words, I am a unique child, with the heart and soul of the artist, wearing the mask of the mother.